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티티안 Titian (1488-1576,)

산천초목 2008. 4. 22. 18:57



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Mary Magdalene, 1533, Pitti Palace, Florence.


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Profane Love (Vanity), 1514-15, canvas, Pinakothek at Munich.


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Flora, 1515, oil on canvas, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.


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Suicide of Lucretia, 1515, oil on canvas, Art History Museum, Vienna.


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Pastoral Concert, 1510년. oil on canvas, 105 x 136.5cm, 파리 루브르박물관,


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Noli Me Tangere, 1511-12, National Gallery, London.


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The Three Ages of Man, 1511-12, National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh.


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Holy Family and Donor, 1513-14, canvas, Pinakothek at Munich.


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The Assassin, 1515-20, oil on canvas, Art History Museum, Vienna.


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Salome. Judith with the Head of Holofernes c.1515, oil on canvas, 89.5×73㎝, Doria Pamphilj Gallery, Rome



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The Worship of Venus, 1516-18, Museo del Prado, Madrid.


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Tribute Money, 1516-18, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden.


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Madonna of the Cherries, 1517-18, Art History Museum, Vienna.


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Venus of Urbino, 1538, oil on canvas


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Bacchus and Ariadne, 1523-24, Museo del Prado, Madrid.


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Madonna & Child with the Young St.John the Baptist & St.Catherine, 1530, National Gallery, London.


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The Doge Andrea Gritti, 1535-40, canvas, National Gallery of Art at Washington D.C.


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Portrait of Francesco Maria della Rovere, 1538, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.


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St. John the Baptist, 1540, Academy Gallery, Venice.


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Venus and Adonis, 1553-54, Museo del Prado, Madrid.


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Danaë, 1553-54, Museo del Prado, Madrid.


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Venus with a Mirror, 1555, canvas, National Gallery of Art at Washington D.C.



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Allegory of Time Governed by Prudence, 1565-70, National Gallery, London.


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Self-Portrait, 1567-68, Museo del Prado, Madrid.


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Charles V Seated, 1548, oil on canvas, Pinakothek at Munich.


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St. Catherine of Alexandria at Prayer, 1567-68, oil on canvas, Museum of Fine-Arts, Boston.


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Cain and Abel, Santa Maria della Salute, Venice.


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Crowning with Thorns, 1570, canvas, Pinakothek at Munich.


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Saint Sebastian, 1570, oil on canvas, The Hermitage at St. Petersburg. Spain


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Succouring Religion, 1575, Museo del Prado, Madrid.


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Doge Antonio Grimani Kneeling before the Faith, 1575-76, Doges" Palace, Venice.


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Entombment (Pietà), 1576, oil on canvas, Accademia Gallery,  


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Portrait of a Man, 1508-1510, National Gallery, London.


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Portrait of a Woman called "La Schiavona", 1508-1510, National Gallery, London.